Morning Glory/Leadership/Discipleship School
Ministering: Pastor Dan Ezra ‘David
Text: Ephesians 4:10-13
Topic: The Prophetic Church
Beloved, the purposes of God for the Church are eternal.
Jesus gave us an insight to why he came, that we might have life.
Before Jesus left, he reminded us that this world consist of wolves.
Deuteronomy 28:13
States that you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath.
He has put in place everything that we need to fulfill purpose.
Jesus knew that there will be opposing forces, but He gave us the resources to overcome them.
The five-fold offices are to serve the Church so that we can come into the fullness of the stature of Christ.

Your business, career, or whatever you are doing, is an added advantage to bring you to your full potential.
This morning, we will focus on the office of the Prophet.
Over the years, this office has been bastardized.
Satan in his scheme has brought in fake prophets that has done all kinds of havoc.
This is a scheme of hell to turn people away from the grace of this office.
If there are counterfeit prophets, it shows that there are also original prophets.
Hosea 12:13
We need the prophetic intervention to become all what God has ordained us to be.
Prophets are God’s agents of deliverance. They provide cover from evil, connecting to them give you an advantage in life.
Prophets can transfer graces to you and give you awesome results.
Jeremiah 1:9-10
Jeremiah 51:20
Prophets enjoy a release from heaven that makes them work in the supernatural.
They give us supernatural advantages.
Beloved, there are rivers you are going to cross that will need a prophetic mantle. If you’re confronted with challenges, you can connect to a prophetic mantle.
Joel 2:28
It is God’s will and desire that we walk in the prophetic.
There are dimensions of results that God wants to give to us just by connecting to a prophet.
It is the will of God that all of us should walk in the prophetic.
2 Peter 1:19
You can pick a promise from Scripture, engage it and run with it.
The Holy Ghost has licensed us to prophesy but not all of us are called into the prophetic.
The Word of God remains the more sure Word of prophecy.
Not all of us can operate in the office of a prophet. Your ability to prophesy doesn’t necessarily make you a prophet.
If anyone prophesies to you and what he said does not fit within the boundaries of Scripture, disregard that prophecy.
Ephesians 4:11
The prophetic is not gone with the Old Testament.
Prophets occupy a very vital position in the society.
The gift of prophecy is in existence.
Beloved, until we engage the prophetic, certain things won’t happen in our lives and we will miss a vast portion of our inheritance in Christ.
God speaks to prophets in symbols, in signs and in figures.
Who is a Prophet?
A prophet is not identified by elocution and big grammar.
1 John 4:1
There are false prophets, so every prophet is to be tried because sometimes false prophets have had their words come to pass.
Act 16:16-18
The words of a prophet must come to pass. False prophets operate in familiar spirits. They can bring things from your past and tell you but that does not make them of God.
Prophets must be subject to other prophets in the Kingdom.
1 Corinthians 12:28
New Testament prophets are subject to other prophets.
1 Corinthians 12:28
Prophets may just be institutions to establish the counsel of God for a generation.
Prophets are humans, they eat what we eat and go to places we go to.
God didn’t paint them as angels. The Bible recounted that Elijah is a man with like passion like we are.
Ephesians 5:17
Prophets connect to other prophets.
1 Corinthians 13:9
Prophets see in part, no one prophet has all the mind of God.
Be careful not to despise any prophet because of a failed prophecy.
Isaiah 53:3-5
God speaks from eternity into time.
What do we do with prophesy?
1. Don’t despise prophesy. 1 Thessalonians 5:20 do
Isaiah 53:1
Believe and exercise your faith in prophecy.
There two dimensions of prophecy:
– Revelatory dimensions.
– Creative dimension of prophecy.
2. When a prophesy comes, you’re to grab it and run with it.
Believe and exercise your faith in prophecies.
2 Timothy 1:18 you can regulate your life by prophecies.
Minister to those who carry prophetic graces and connect to them.
Then you go into warfare with them.
Every prophet carries profit.